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Parkinson's Disease Specialist

Neurological Institute of Los Angeles

A Private Medical Practice located in multiple locations in Los Angeles, CA

Every year, around 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. At the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles, with locations in Beverly Grove and throughout Los Angeles, and Glendale, California, Jonathan Eskenazi, MD, and the team diagnose Parkinson’s disease and provide comprehensive, patient-focused treatment to protect your health and wellness. Call the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles or schedule a consultation online today for expert Parkinson’s disease care.

Parkinson's Disease Q&A

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects dopamine-producing neurons in a part of your brain called the substantia nigra. The exact cause of Parkinson’s hasn’t been identified. Medical researchers, however, have found that the presence of Lewy bodies — microscopic clumps of proteins in your brain cells — contributes to Parkinson’s disease.

Your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease increases with age. It’s possible that having a close family member with Parkinson’s disease can increase your risk. Additionally, studies show that experiencing a traumatic brain injury like a concussion can significantly increase your risk of developing the disorder.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease vary between patients and often develop so gradually that you might not notice early warning signs. Some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Shaking or tremors in your hands or fingers, which can spread through the limb
  • Slowed movement
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Reduced balance
  • Stooped posture
  • Loss of automatic movements
  • Changes in speech like slurring, hesitation, or inflection loss
  • Handwriting changes

Parkinson’s disease symptoms usually begin on one side of your body and gradually spread and worsen.

How is Parkinson’s disease diagnosed?

At the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles, the team provides a comprehensive analysis of your entire body, including extensive work-ups that often take up to an hour. No single test can diagnose Parkinson’s disease, so the team uses a number of procedures, including:

  • Blood tests
  • MRIs
  • CT scans
  • PET scans
  • Brain ultrasounds
  • DAT scans

It can take time to confirm a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Rest assured that you are in expert hands with the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles, and they won’t rest until they identify the condition causing your symptoms.

How is Parkinson’s disease treated?

Though there’s no cure for Parkinson’s disease, the team creates customized treatment plans to control your symptoms and help you maintain your health and quality of life.

For example, they can prescribe medication, including carbidopa-levodopa, dopamine agonists, and other drugs that regulate your dopamine levels and reduce symptoms like tremors. The team can also help you make lifestyle changes to help you stay fit, healthy, and able to cope with your condition.

In severe cases, your provider might recommend surgery like deep brain stimulation.

If you’re concerned about Parkinson’s disease, call the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles or make an appointment online today for expert, personalized diagnosis and treatment.